Autism Assessments

Autism Assessments

Should I get a private autism assessment?


Should you get a private Autism Assessment? It depends...

Autism assessments in BC have to be completed in a certain way in order to qualify for funding. We have completed hundreds of such assessments over more than 15 years. We complete assessments of children, youth, and young adults from 1 to 25 years of age. As far as we are aware, we are the only doctors providing private autism assessments in Victoria.

The BC Autism Assessment Network provides quality assessments free of charge with a physician's referral at the Queen Alexandra Centre for Children’s Health.  Some of us continue to work within BCAAN to help address their waitlists. Current wait times for BCAAN are available here.

Even our own practice has wait times of approximately 8 months. The cost of our portion of an autism assessment is $2950.

Deciding to pursue a private assessment depends on your willingness to wait for BCAAN, and some age-specific determinants.

Click below to learn more, and to get on the wait list:

If your child has already been diagnosed with autism outside of BC and you are looking to pursue services in BC, you only need a confirmation of diagnosis.